Research in the Faculty of Informatics in Vytautas Magnus university is carried out in the fields of Informatics and Mathematics.
In the field of Informatics, main research topics are:
- design of adaptive and intelligent systems for complex object and process analysis, modelling and control based on predictive, fuzzy logic and semantic models;
- natural language and speech processing techniques;
- models of learning and memory mechanisms in neural systems;
- data mining, global optimization methods and visualization of multidimensional data;
- ICT infrastructure development.
Research focus is on applications in power engineering, medicine, robotics, text analytic, telecommunications, precision mechanics, social sciences.
In the field of Mathematics, main research topics are:
- system risk and reliability analysis;
- numerical methods for differential equations;
- the asymptotic analysis of distributions of random variables sums.
These research topics are focusing on the application of mathematical methods in power engineering, medicine, social sciences, etc.
The Faculty of Informatics conducts both interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research.
Examples of interdisciplinary research in Informatics include joint research in Informatics and Humanities, resulting in natural language and speech processing methods and applications; Computational Neuroscience, combining Informatics, Mathematics, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology, Cognitive Sciences. 3) Informatics and Mechatronics – research in robot training algorithms and applications; 4) Informatics and Social/Management sciences – ICT infrastructure development, standardization, application of quantitative methods in social science.
Examples of multidisciplinary research in Mathematics include applied mathematics research, e.g. risk and reliability assessment of power systems, energy security analysis, statistical data analysis in social sciences and bio sciences.
In Informatics, basic research is performed in language technologies (in particular, for the Lithuanian language), design of adaptive and intelligent systems, process analysis, modelling and control, computational neuroscience, ICT infrastructure development and standardization. In many cases it leads to applied research, especially in language technologies, system control, signal processing. Data mining research is mostly of applied nature, e.g. in social science, medicine, robotics, often in collaboration with industry.
Basic research in Mathematics deals with asymptotic analysis of stochastic process and investigation of differential equations with non local conditions. In Mathematics, applied research is mainly carried out in system risk and reliability analysis direction: reliability assessment and risk analysis of power network, gas network, central heating system, Baltic country energy security analysis, application of different statistical methods in society behavior surveys, etc.
Strategic, long-term research plans of the faculty are tightly aligned with the University Strategy 2012-2020 and EU Smart specialization innovation policy, delivered in Lithuania in the form of the Implementation Program of Priority R&D and Innovation Development Directions and Priorities (approved by LR Government on April 30, 2014, order No. 411), National Energy Independence Strategy (approved by Resolution No XI-2133 of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania of 26 June 2012).
Research plans are structured by research Clusters, focusing on specific research topics. Research activities of the Faculty of Informatics are structured and planned in the following research Clusters:
- System Analysis, Modelling, Control and Optimization,
- Text and speech analysis, creation and application of resources and technologies,
- Analysis Methods of Safety, Reliability and Risk.
Research plans are implemented through the following activities:
- Joint research in the university research Clusters;
- National and international level research cooperation with academia and industrial partners;
- Involvement in FP7, Horizon 2020, COST and other international research and coordination projects, as well as national research projects, supported by Research Council of Lithuania and ES structural funds;
- Ensuring researcher access to up-to-date of the research infrastructure;
- Publishing scientific papers and reports, participating in international events.