VMU First-year Student Survey Results
The survey of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) bachelor and integrated studies’ first-year students was conducted in January – February of 2021. The aim was to identify the reasons for their study choices, expectations and opinion about the studies they had chosen as well as the activities they had been involved in.
In the survey, the students indicated the most important sources of information that had been helpful to make the decision where to study, and the main reasons for choosing their studies as well as study expectations at VMU. They also evaluated the usefulness of VMU’s introductory study week and study experience at VMU. Moreover, the first-year students revealed the time allocated for studies, their activities in the free time after studies and participation in the activities of VMU. Finally, the students made suggestions for improving the quality of studies.
593 first-year VMU students took part in the survey – 41.64 percent of bachelor and integrated studies’ first-year students.
We invite you to get acquainted with the summarized results of the survey. Detailed results of the survey are presented to the administration of faculties and academies, study program committees, requesting to share this information with the community.