All news

Competition for Traineeship at non-EU Countries
VMU students are invited to participate in competition for traineeship at non-EU countries with VMU Mobility scholarship. Students have to submit completed online application form (Application form for traineeship in non-EU/EEE countries) until 15th of November 2020. Selection criteria: tra...

VMU Rector’s Letter to the Community
Dear community, I would like to thank you all once again for the invaluable contributions you made while working during the difficult period brought about by COVID-19. Ensuring the quality of studies and research under the conditions of the new reality and supporting the community in the virtual ...

Application for Accommodation for New Incoming Students of 2020/2021
Vytautas Magnus University has opened an application for new incoming international students for accommodation in the dormitories of VMU during the academic year 2020/2021 or Autumn semester. Please note, that is application is open only for new (first year) incoming full-time, Erasmus +, Bilater...

VMU Will Hold Graduation Ceremonies
On 1-3 July, Vytautas Magnus University will be holding its graduation ceremonies, bidding farewell to the university’s latest graduates. On 1 July, diplomas will be awarded to the graduates of the faculties of Natural Sciences, Informatics, Social Sciences, and VMU Education Academy (in Kaunas)....

VMU Support Fund for Students Affected by COVID-19 Outbreak
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) has started providing support for students who experience financial difficulties as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. A special fund has been established for this purpose. The fund aims to support university students and their families who experience financial di...

The Library Will Lend Books from April 29
Following the government’s loosening of quarantine requirements, from April 29. The Library will lend books to home on request, remote services will be continued, consultations will be provided by e-mail:, by phone. The physical premises of the library will not be available. Fro...