Research Areas
The Faculty carries out research and experimental development work in the following fields:
Artificial Intelligence (prof. T. Krilavičius, prof. M. Tamošiūnaitė, prof. R. Damaševičius, M. Vaškevičius)
Traditional as well as deep-learning-based methods are investigated and applied in various areas. On theory side, signal-symbol gap is addressed, where applications in the field of robot action generalization are investigated. Applications also include fields of medicine, biosyntehsis, surveilence and language thechnologies, where the last area is so extensively investigated that it is presented as a separate topic next.
Main publications
- Vaškevičius, M., Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė, J., & Šlepikas, L. (2022). Modeling of the Crystallization Conditions for Organic Synthesis Product Purification Using Deep Learning. Electronics, 11(9), 1360.
- Sahlol, A. T., Yousri, D., Ewees, A. A., Al-qaness, M. A. A., Damasevicius, R., & Elaziz, M. A. (2020). COVID-19 image classification using deep features and fractional-order marine predators algorithm. Scientific Reports, 10(1) doi:10.1038/s41598-020-71294-2
- Tamosiunaite, M., Aein, M. J., Braun, J. M., Kulvicius, T., Markievicz, I., Kapociute-Dzikiene, J., Valteryte, R., Haidu, A., Chrysostomou, D., Ridge, B., Krilavicius, T., Vitkute, D., Krüger, N., Ude, A. & Wörgötter, F. (2019). Cut & recombine: reuse of robot action components based on simple language instructions. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 38(10-11), 1179-1207.
About the researchers:
Prof. M. Tamošiūnaitė, prof. R. Damaševičius, M. Vaškevičius.
Language Technology (prof. J. Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė, prof. G. Raškinis, J. Mandravickaitė, M. Briedienė, dr. A. Davidsonas)
Here both language (i.e., texts analytics) and speech are adressed. In the field of texts analytics problems of classification, correction, generation, understanding and re-phrasing are addressed. For spoken language problems of recognition and synthesis are being solved. While speech analysis focuses on Lithuanina language, text analytics is also adressing multilingual applications. Various AI methods are applied. Deep learning architectures are investigated and applied both for speech and text analysis.
Main publications
- Mandravickaitė, J., Songailaitė, M., Gvozdovaitė, V., Kalinauskaitė, D., & Krilavičius, T. (2022). Towards Synthetic Social Media Data. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing, 10(3), 372-381.
- Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė, J., Salimbajevs, A., & Skadiņš, R. (2021). Monolingual and cross-lingual intent detection without training data in target languages. Electronics, 10(12), 1412.
- Stankevičius, L., Lukoševičius, M., Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė, J., Briedienė, M., & Krilavičius, T. (2022). Correcting diacritics and typos with a ByT5 transformer model. Applied Sciences, 12(5), 2636.
- Raškinis, G., Paškauskaitė, G., Saudargienė, A., Kazlauskienė, A., & Vaičiūnas, A. (2019). Comparison of phonemic and graphemic word to sub-word unit mappings for Lithuanian phone-level speech transcription. Informatica, 30(3), 573-593.
Main projects
- Automatic adaptation of administrative texts in Lithuanian to the needs of non-specialists ; Financed by Research Council of Lithuania, Contract No. S-LIP-22-77 (2022-2024)
- Speech technology services based on AI and deep learning (ASTRA, 01.2.2-MITA-K-702-09-0043), 2020-2021. Result: Lithuanian ASR system transcribing Zoom and Teams meetings at and Lithuanian TTS system
- The development of the public services of Lithuanian syntactic-semantic analysis (SEMANTIKA 2, 02.3.1-CPVA-V-527-01-0002) within a Programme 02.3.1-CPVA-V-527 Lithuanian language in Information technologies (2018-2020). Result: public Lithuanian ASR service and publicly available ASR tools at
- Policy Agenda of the Lithuanian Seimas and its Framing: The Analysis of the Seimas Debates in 1990-2020 (PolAFra), No.: P-MIP-20-373. Carried out together with Kaunas University of Technology. (2020-2022).
About the researchers:
Prof. J. Kapočiūtė-Dzikienė, prof. G. Raškinis, J. Mandravickaitė, M. Briedienė, dr. A. Davidsonas.
Modelling of Physical and Biological Systems (prof. E. Pranckevičienė, prof. A. Saudargienė, dr. A. Deveikis, dr. L. Ragulskis, J. J. Dainauskas)
For physical systems: numerical investigation of atomic nucley and vibrating technical systems is performed. For biological systems: biophysical modeling of neuronal systems is performed. Computational models for packaging of DNR sequencies in cell nucley are being developed.
Main publications
- Dainauskas, J. J., Marie, H., Migliore, M., & Saudargiene, A. (2023). GluN2B-NMDAR subunit contribution on synaptic plasticity: A phenomenological model for CA3-CA1 synapses. Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 15.
- Ragulskis, K., Spruogis, B., Bogdevičius, M., Matuliauskas, A., Mištinas, V., & Ragulskis, L. (2022). Investigation of dynamics of a pipe robot with nonlinear interactions of its elements. Mechanics, 28(5), 394-400.
- Deveikis, A., Gusev, A., Vinitsky, S., Góźdź, A., Pȩdrak, A., Burdik, Č., & Pogosyan, G. (2021). Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms for Computing Orthonormal Bases of SU (3) SU (3) Group for Orbital Angular Momentum. In Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing: 23rd International Workshop, CASC 2021, Sochi, Russia, September 13–17, 2021, Proceedings 23 (pp. 100-120). Springer International Publishing.
- Pranckeviciene, E., Hosid, S., Liang, N., & Ioshikhes, I. (2020). Nucleosome positioning sequence patterns as packing or regulatory. PLoS Computational Biology, 16(1), e1007365.
Multiscale Modelling of Impaired Learning in Alzheimer’s Disease and Innovative Treatments EU Horizon 2020 FLAG-ERA Human Brain Project “Multiscale Modelling of Impaired Learning in Alzheimer’s Disease and Innovative Treatments”. (MILEDI) (2020-2023)
About the researchers:
Prof. E. Pranckevičienė, prof. A. Saudargienė, dr. A. Deveikis, dr. L. Ragulskis, J. J. Dainauskas.
Digital Transformation (dr. J. Kasperiūnienė, prof. D. Vitkutė-Adžgauskienė)
Rearangement and optimization of various processes on the basis of information technologies is addressed, with the emphasis of optimization of teaching processes.
Main publications
- Jaleniauskiene, E., & Kasperiuniene, J. (2023). Infographics in higher education: A scoping review. E-Learning and Digital Media, 20(2), 191-206.
- Kasperiuniene, J. (2021). The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Social Research: Multidisciplinary Challenges. In: Costa, A.P., Reis, L.P., Moreira, A., Longo, L., Bryda, G. (eds) Computer Supported Qualitative Research. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1345. Springer, Cham.
- Mažeikienė, N., Kasperiūnienė, J., & Tandzegolskienė, I. (2021). Framing nuclearity: online media discourses in Lithuania. Media and Communication, 9(2), 150-161.
Main projects
- Didactic Technologies of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) Nuclear Educational Tourism Development (EDUATOM) GRANT_NUMBER: 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0084, 2017-2022
- Professional identity construction in social media (PROFESSIONAL-IDENTITY-LT), GRANT_NUMBER: Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0079, 2017-2019
About the researchers:
Virtual Environments and Augmented Reality (prof. A. Vidugirienė, dr. E. Ščiglinskas)
Investigation and application of 3D graphics, virtual environments (AR and VR), signal modelling, and systems with feedback. Human emotional states modelling as reactions to various digital stimuli.
Main publications
- Kaminskas, V., & Ščiglinskas, E. (2019). A Comparison of the Control Schemes of Human Response to a Dynamic Virtual 3D Face. Information Technology and Control, 48(2), 250-267.
- Ščiglinskas, E., Mačiukas, A., Vidugirienė, A., & Krilavičius, T. (2019). Investigation on the Dependencies Between HRV, Physical Training, and Focus of Attention in Virtual Environment. In Information and Software Technologies: 25th International Conference, ICIST 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania, October 10–12, 2019, Proceedings 25(pp. 529-540). Springer International Publishing.
Main projects
- Didactic technology for nuclear educational tourism in Ignalina Atomic Power Plant, EDUATOM , Nr. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0084. (2020-2022)
- Holographic interface for touching in the air, Nr. LT07-1-EIM-K02-016. (2021-2023) (Carried out together with UAB Gluk Media).
Data Science (prof. R.Krikštolaitis, dr. A. Mackutė-Varoneckienė, dr. A. Varoneckas, dr. T. Rekašius, R. Juozaitienė, D. Kuizinienė)
Analysis and visualisation of multivariable data in various application fields, including surveilence, business, social and environmental sciences.
Main publications
- Jocienė, L., Krokaitė, E., Rekašius, T., Vilčinskas, R., Judžentienė, A., Marozas, V., & Kupčinskienė, E. (2023). Ionomic parameters of populations of common juniper (Juniperus communis L.) depending on the habitat type. Plants, 12(4), 961.
- Juozaitienė, Rūta, and Ernst C. Wit. “Non-parametric estimation of reciprocity and triadic effects in relational event networks.” Social Networks68 (2022): 296-305.
- Kuizinienė, D.; Krilavičius, T.; Damaševičius, R.; Maskeliūnas, R. (2022). Systematic Review of Financial Distress Identification using Artificial Intelligence Methods. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 36:1.
- Buchman, D., Drozdov, M., Mackutė-Varoneckienė, A., & Krilavičius, T. (2020). Visual and Radar sensor fusion for perimeter protection and homeland security on edge. In CEUR Workshop proceedings [electronic resource]: IVUS 2020, Information society and university studies, Kaunas, Lithuania, 23 April, 2020: proceedings. Aachen: CEUR-WS, 2020, Vol. 2698.
Main projects
- Creation of the centre of excellence in smart forestry (Forest 4.0), Horizon Europe (Teaming for Excellence), 2023-2028
- Centre of Excellence of AI for Sustainable Living and Working (SustAInLivWork), Horizon Europe (Teaming for Excellence), 2023-2028.
About the researchers:
Dr. A. Mackutė-Varoneckienė, dr. A. Varoneckas, D. Kuizinienė.
System Risk and Reliability Analysis (prof. J. Augutis, prof. R. Krikštolaitis, prof. I. Šarūnienė, dr. L. Martišauskas, S. Urbonienė)
The focus is on the research and development of a methodology for critical infrastructure risk assessment, which is based on the probabilistic risk assessment analysis, statistical and probabilistic data analysis, system reliability analysis, uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, and application of Bayesian and optimization methods. Simultaneous modelling of various critical infrastructures is considered. Risk assessment includes a variety of internal and external infrastructure interferences. Applications are mainly in the field of energy, transport, information technologies.
Main publications
- Krikštolaitis, R., Bianco, V., Martišauskas, L., & Urbonienė, S. (2022). Analysis of electricity and natural gas security. A case study for Germany, France, Italy and Spain. Energies, 15(3), 1000.
- Martišauskas, L., Augutis, J., Krikštolaitis, R., Urbonas, R., Šarūnienė, I., & Kopustinskas, V. (2022). A framework to assess the resilience of energy systems based on quantitative indicators. Energies, 15(11), 4040.
- Augutis, J., Krikštolaitis, R., Martišauskas, L., Urbonienė, S., Urbonas, R., & Ušpurienė, A. B. (2020). Analysis of energy security level in the Baltic States based on indicator approach. Energy, 199, 117427.
Analytic and Probabilistic Number Theory (prof. R. Kačinskaitė)
The focus is on the study of various zeta- and L- functions. Special attention is paid to the asymptotic behaviour described by functional limit theorems in the terms of weakly convergent probability measures and the Voronin’s universality property. The last problem covers a wide range of applications in pure mathematics and physics. For example, the functional independence, the density, the zero-distribution, the bounds of certain integrals for Dirichlet polynomials, estimation of complicated integrals over analytic curves in quantum mechanics, etc.
Main publications
- Kačinskaitė, R. (2022). On discrete universality in the Selberg–Steuding class. Siberian Mathematical Journal, 63(2), 277-285.
- Kačinskaitė, R., & Togobickij, B. (2022). A Modification of the Mixed Joint Universality Theorem for a Class of Zeta Functions. Mathematics, 10(19), 3536.
- Kačinskaitė, R., & Matsumoto, K. (2021). The discrete case of the mixed joint universality for a class of certain partial zeta-functions. Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, 25(4), 647-663.
Numerical Methods For Differential Equations (prof. V. Kleiza, prof. P. Rupšys, dr. S. Urbonienė)
The focus is on the investigation of the spectrum of Fučik type problems with nonlocal boundary conditions. Spectrum of the problem with nonlocal conditions usually strongly differs from spectrum of the differential problem with classical boundary conditions and is much more complicated. We analyse how spectrum of differential problem depends on parameters of the nonlocal boundary conditions. Applications of differential equations are also addressed.
Main publications
- Jasinskas, A., Kleiza, V., Streikus, D., Domeika, R., Vaiciukevičius, E., Gramauskas, G., & Valentin, M. T. (2022). Assessment of Quality Indicators of Pressed Biofuel Produced from Coarse Herbaceous Plants and Determination of the Influence of Moisture on the Properties of Pellets. Sustainability, 14(3), 1068.
- Kleiza, V., & Tilindis, J. (2020). Optimization of the total production time by splitting complex manual assembly processes. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 25(1), 144-161.
- Sergejeva, N., & Urbonienė, S. (2019). On Fučík type spectrum for problem with integral nonlocal boundary condition. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 24(2), 261-278.
Two research clusters are introduced:
- Cluster in Informatics “Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization Systems” (head prof. T. Krilavičius)
- Cluster in Mathematics “Security, Reliability and Risk Analysis Methods” (head prof. J. Augutis)